Shareholder Information

Canna Capital plc’s shares will be traded on the AQUIS Stock Exchange (formerly NEX) from (TBD)

The Canna Capital ticker code is CAN


Enlarged number of Ordinary Shares of 1 pence each in issue following Admission: TBD

Subscription price: TBD pence

Market Capitalisation at the Subscription price on Admission: £TBD

Number of Shares held in public hands: TBD

Share Price and Latest Trades

To view Canna Capital plc’s share price and latest trades please click here
No securities are held as treasury shares.
There are no restrictions on the transfer of shares.
The Company’s main country of operation is The United Kingdom. The Company is Incorporated and registered in England and Wales with registered number 13308946

Canna Capital plc is subject to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
The Directors are also committed to maintaining high standards of Corporate Governance and propose, as far as practicable, given the Company’s size and nature, to comply with the QCA Code.
As of 17th January 2022 and as far as the directors are aware, the following shareholders are interested in 3% or more of the Company’s issued share capital.

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[table id=2 /]
[table id=3 /] *issued on a pro-rata basis

The terms of the warrants are identical and provide for an X year exercise period at the Subscription Price. The warrants are freely transferable.